Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Project 2: Framing and Composition

This photo collection is a study of framing techniques and compositional techniques that was edited in Light Room.

Rule of Thirds

This picture was taken just north of Tillamook on the Oregon coast.  To edit this picture, I cropped it and enhanced the color a little so the blues and greens would not be washed out by the cloud cover.

Frame within a Frame

This picture was taken at Heceta Head Lighthouse, and it shows the light up at the top of the tower. I cropped this picture when I edited it to better show the panels of glass.

Close Up

This is a picture of a flower at my house, and I loved the colors of the petals. When I edited this, I increased the saturation and cropped it closer.

Bird's Eye

This is a picture looking down into one of our candles (with multiple levels). I cropped the picture closer and changed the exposure so the light reflected in the outside glass wouldn't be over-exposed. 

Bug's Eye

This picture shows a view of the trees in my backyard from underneath. I edited the picture by changing it to black and white and cropping it a little closer.

Leading Lines

I chose this picture because I loved the way the sky was reflected in the glass of the building. When editing this, I increased the clarity and the saturation to enhance the color and the lines in this photo.


This picture is of the a section of a building and the sky above. I changed the exposure so the building would not be under-exposed and increased the contrast against the colors.

Fill the Frame

I chose this photo because I liked the detail in the rings of this piece of firewood. When I edited it, I cropped it closer to the center of the wood and increased the contrast so the lines and rings would stand out.

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